N8N Course

Create AI automations and integrations that can scale any project

More than 15 hours recorded

AI Fundamentals and Integrations from Scratch

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Live Classes and Weekly Meetings

Over 70 hours recorded

25+ hands-on projects from beginner to advanced

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Learn from scratch how to create AI automations and integrations

About N8N

O N8N is a workflow automation tool that allows you to integrate multiple applications and services without the need for advanced coding. It makes it easy to create complex automations through an intuitive visual interface, connecting different APIs and systems quickly and efficiently.

With its integration capabilities, N8N is excellent for connecting AI models, such as those from OpenAI, to different systems. This allows virtual assistants to perform automated tasks, access data from different sources, and call programmed functions, expanding the potential of AI-based solutions.

About the N8N Course

In the N8N course, we will teach the main fundamentals of the tool, enabling students to create efficient and hassle-free automations. We explore everything from creating basic workflows to more complex automations, integrating AI to improve process efficiency and develop intelligent agents.

Additionally, the course includes practical cases of automation with AI, where students learn how to humanize agents to make their interactions more natural and engaging. 

We also address how to manage payments in an automated way, integrating N8N with Asaas, creating complete solutions for automating financial processes.

Discover the Power of N8N

The best tools for AI automations and integrations.

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