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NoCode StartUp Terms of Use

Our terms of use


These terms and conditions govern all use of the services of NO-CODE START-UP NEGÓCIOS DIGITAL LTDA, in this act simply called “No Code Start Up”. Our services are offered and subject to your acceptance, so please read this Agreement carefully before accessing or using our Services.

THE No Code Start Up is a company that develops and sells courses and materials on No Code development, so that users can create systems, apps, e-commerce, among others; without using a line of code. 

The services of No Code Start Up are mostly used by individuals; In some cases, it can also be used by legal entities.

So that the use of the platform No Code Start Up is carried out safely and in the best possible way, some data will be collected, such as:

  1. At the time of purchase: name, email, telephone, CPF.
  2. When using the platform: cookies and ads.

Users have complete freedom to request registration changes directly to No Code Start Up, through the means available. User data may also be archived upon compliance with the clauses of this Term.


1. Welcome to NoCode

1.1. Thank you for using our products and services. Products and services will be provided by NO-CODE START-UP NEGÓCIOS DIGITAL LTDA, Legal entity under private law, registered with the CNPJ under nº 49.612.202/0001-83, Rua Rio de Janeiro, nº 243, room 802, Belo Horizonte/MG, CEP 30.160-040.

1.2. THE No Code Start Up sells courses and materials, aiming to assist in the creation of systems, applications, e-commerce, among others; without using code. To do this, the contractor will have access to courses, communities and training.

1.3. These “Terms of Use” are a contract between you (“You”) and NO-CODE START-UP NEGÓCIOS DIGITAL LTDA.

1.4. For better visualizations, the Contractor of the services of No Code Start Up will be simply called (“User”).

2. User Responsibilities

2.1. Users undertake to (i) not share false information; (ii) grant permission for the No Code Start Up update the data obtained from software, whether on computers, smartphones, tablets or other related devices; (iii) fully respect the community's standards of conduct and terms of use in its communications within the platform, observing all provisions of these Terms of Use, as well as Brazilian legislation.

2.2. By accepting these Terms or accessing the URLs provided by No Code Start Up, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to fully comply with the “Terms of Use”, under penalty of having the platform suspended or canceled. 

2.3. To use the services of No Code Start Up You must register on the platform.

2.4. If You are accepting the Terms on behalf of a company or third party, You represent that You have the authority to bind that entity to these Terms. If you do not have this authority or do not agree with the conditions, you should not accept the No Code Start Up Terms of Use.

2.5. The user, when registering or accessing software from No Code Start Up through any means, is responsible for providing all information accurately and truthfully; acknowledge and agree that you are solely responsible for and undertake to comply with any and all applicable laws, including, without limitation, all laws and regulations; is responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account login information, being responsible for all activities that occur there, and must immediately notify the No Code Start Up about any unauthorized use, or suspected unauthorized use, of your account, as well as any breach of security of the Software or Website; is responsible for paying the fees imposed by No Code Start Up, related to the services made available or used by the user.

3. Intellectual Property

3.1 All visual identity made available on the platform is the sole and exclusive property of No Code Start Up, as well as all softwares used, trademark, patents, trade secrets and copyrights. 

3.2. Users are prohibited from: (i) creating derivative works based on the Services without providing credit to No Code Start Up; (ii) copy or present the content of the website https://nocodestartup.io/, software No Code Start Up, nor reproduce any part or content of the Services, other than by copying or framing on your own intranets, or otherwise for your own internal business purposes; (iii) reverse engineer the Services, nor (iv) access the Services to: (a) create a product or service that competes with that of the platform No Code Start Up , or (b) copy any feature, function or graphics of the Services.

3.3. The data entered into the System during the term of this instrument will be the property of the User, and the User will be solely responsible for their data, and must observe the intellectual property rights inherent to them.

3.4. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be construed as a transfer or assignment of intellectual property rights by either Party. In effect, each Party will remain the sole and exclusive holder of its respective intellectual property rights.

4. Suspension or Cancellation of Registration

4.1. If there are violations of the provisions of the terms and policies of the No Code Start Up, as well as legislation, the infringing User may have their registration suspended or canceled, depending on the severity of the infraction.

4.2. In the case of a legal entity client, in the event of the Employee's dismissal, the User must immediately inform the No Code Start Up to suspend his account.

4.3. Will be met: user requests to archive or deactivate their own account, at any time and at any time.

4.4. If you have any difficulty archiving or deactivating your account, please contact No Code Start Up, through the following channels: [email protected] and company WhatsApp +55 11 93387-5590.


5. Limits of Liability

5.1. THE No Code Start Up is not responsible for any loss and/or harm incurred by users resulting from the instability of the world wide web or failures in the provision of services offered by internet providers.

5.2. THE No Code Start Up is not responsible for losses and/or damages caused by interruptions in the provision of the service caused by unforeseen reasons, such as natural disasters, accidents, fires, floods or due to the user's absence from the contracted service.

5.3. THE No Code Start Up is not responsible for any losses and/or damages resulting from failures or instabilities resulting from crashes, malfunctions or problems related to the machine or equipment used by the User to use the platform.

5.4. For operations to be carried out through the platform, various integrations are necessary that allow orders and commands issued through the platform to be executed. A No Code Start Up is not responsible for losses and/or losses incurred by its users that have resulted from failures and/or errors caused by systems or processes run by third parties.

5.5. THE No Code Start Up does not guarantee that the service will be uninterrupted or error-free, so customers use the system at their own risk. However, in the event of planned maintenance that causes the application to become unavailable, we will attempt to notify all users at least 5 (five) days in advance.

5.6. THE No Code Start Up is not responsible for any expenses related to the means of accessing the system (acquisition of equipment – computer or smartphone, internet expenses, data plan consumption, etc.).

5.7. THE No Code Start Up is not responsible for any relationship that is not related to courses, training or communities, that is, there is no responsibility on the part of No Code Start Up with regard to the development of solutions based on the lessons learned, as well as materials, equipment or any object of discussion that does not strictly involve the availability of the product offered.

5.7.1 THE No Code Start Up is not responsible, under any circumstances, for the actions of Users within the Platform or for their misuse;

5.7.2 Misuse may be considered, but is not limited to: improper access of data resulting from disclosure of access credentials by an authorized User or use of data stored on devices that are no longer active on the platform will be considered.

5.8. We are constantly changing and improving our Services, we may add or remove functionalities, features and we may also suspend or terminate a Service. Meanwhile, the user can, at any time, stop using our Services, simply by uninstalling the devices, as well as canceling the account as explained in this Term.

6. User Declaration

6.1 The User is aware that all information added on the platform No Code Start Up may be collected for administration and maintenance of users' accounts.

7. Content added to the Platform

7.1. Each User is solely responsible for any and all information or content added to the platform. Under no circumstances will the No Code Start Up is responsible for the information, comments, opinions, projects or materials published by any of its users, who expressly recognize their personal responsibility, assuming the civil, administrative and criminal risks arising from their participation and acts in the Community.


8. Security

8.1. The platform is hosted on CursEduca, available at https://flix.nocodestartup.io/. A No Code Start Up reserves the right to choose and replace hosting service providers without prior notice, committing to prioritize partnerships with leading suppliers in the segment.

8.1.1. THE No Code Start Up is not responsible for failures in the hosting system of the https://www.curseduca.com/.

8.1.2. The User, when accessing the platform, declares that he has read and agrees with the CursEduca Terms of Use, presented at the time of registration or first access.

8.1.3. CursEduca, through payment gateways, carries out all financial management between Users and CursEduca. A No Code Start Up does not have access to its Users' financial information.

8.2. THE No Code Start Up follows good practices and seeks to maintain the highest levels of data security. All data transfer between the user's device and the platform's servers takes place encrypted, using the HTTPS protocol.

9. Registration on the Platform 

9.1. The User is aware that they must correctly provide their commercial data to register on the platform, and the omission or inclusion of incorrect data will result in legal consequences and liability for the user, including the possibility of suspension or deletion of the user's account.

9.2. The User, when registering in the system, undertakes not to disclose false data, being personally responsible for any damages caused by failure to comply with this provision.

10. Use and Processing of Data

10.1 To fulfill the proposed services, the No Code Start Up will collect and process personal information from Users, which is detailed in our privacy policy.


11. Seals

11.1. The User is expressly prohibited from:

11.1.1. License, sell, rent, lease, transfer, assign, distribute, host or otherwise commercially exploit the Service provided by the platform, whether in whole or in part, or any content displayed on the Service.

11.1.2. Modify, make derivative works of, disassemble, reverse compile or reverse engineer any part of the Platform Service. Violation of this clause will result in the delivery of derivative codes, without excluding possible action for damages.

11.1.3. Access the platform to build a similar or competitive website, product or service.

11.1.4. Copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, download, display or transmit, in any form or by any means, objects of Intellectual Property of No Code Start Up, unless expressly authorized by this.

11.1.5. Make information obtained through the platform available to third parties, without due authorization from the No Code Start Up.

12. Sanctions

12.1. The User who fails to comply, even partially, with any provision of these Terms of Use or who behaves in violation of any principle or policy of the platform, without prejudice to other consequences and legal and regulatory sanctions from regulatory entities, may incur the following sanctions, depending on the severity of the conduct, which will be judged at the discretion of the No Code Start Up:

12.1.1. Cancellation of the account and the User's inability to register again on the platform. If it is found that a user whose account was canceled has registered again, bypassing the company's verification systems No Code Start Up, this new account will be automatically canceled without any prior notice.

13. No Code Start Up

13.1. THE No Code Start Up always seeks to improve its platform and the services offered, so that, eventually, this Term, as well as other software policies, may need to be updated or changed unilaterally by the No Code Start Up. Said changes/updates will always be communicated to all users, who will always be guaranteed the option to delete their account, at any time, if they disagree with the new terms and policies.

13.2. Any changes to these Terms will come into effect 01 (one) day after they are sent by email to the user or communication is made available via the platform or website. These changes will be effective immediately for new users of our service. Continued use of our service following notice of such changes will indicate your acknowledgment and agreement to be bound by the terms and conditions of such changes.

13.3. In addition to the courses purchased, the User will have access to the No Code Community, where they can interact with other users and share knowledge.

13.3.1. Access to the community is via the link: https://open.nocodestartup.io/home.

13.3.2. By accepting this term, you automatically agree to the community rules, available through the link: https://open.nocodestartup.io/c/diretrizes/regras-da-comunidade

14. Conflict Resolution

14.1. The User expressly renounces any other forum, however privileged it may be, electing the Forum of the District of Florianópolis/SC as the only one competent to resolve any disputes and/or doubts arising in this instrument.

15. Procedures regarding legal requests

15.1 Judicial requests for records and information will be processed in accordance with Law No. 12,965/2014 and Law No. 13,709/2018.

16. Term of Terms and Policies 

16.1 All terms and policies of No Code Start Up They come into force from the moment the user registers on the platform and adheres to them.

16.2 Its validity will be for an indefinite period, lasting as long as the legal relationship between the parties and the duties arising therefrom last.

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