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NoCode StartUp Privacy Notice

Privacy Notice


We, from At Code Startup, We are a platform for selling infoproducts and online No Code courses, which aims to provide training in the creation of applications, websites and automations without the need for programming.

We are the gateway to the future of digital entrepreneurship, empowering individuals and businesses to create, innovate and thrive without the need for programming skills.

And for this to be possible, we handle some personal information, while we need to guarantee your privacy and protect your data! 

Therefore, it is very important that you carefully read our Privacy Notice, knowing and understanding the destination and use of personal information collected.

We remind you that:

  • THE No Code Startup enables the training of its customers, aiming to teach the creation of applications, websites and automations without the need for programming.
  • After contracting the Platform by the Customer, they will be duly registered on the platform. No Code Startup and you will be allowed to use the purchased product in any way you see fit. 


The protection of your personal data is our priority and we will do everything in our power to keep it safe, preserving your privacy and trust.

Therefore, it is important that you know exactly how your information will be used. It was for this reason that we created this Privacy Notice, in a clear and direct way, designed especially for you, as well as our services.

Ours Customers They are our “legitimate interest”, that is, our reason for existing. All the work we do comes down to ensuring the best product and the best conditions for our services. 

However, for this to be possible, we need to collect and use some personal information. Rest assured that we ensure that we have adopted all necessary rights and security measures to protect your information.


In order for you to understand this Privacy Notice, we will explain the main concepts used in this document: 

PERSONAL DATA Any information that may lead to the direct or indirect identification of a natural person (“Owner”). 
SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATAAny personal data on racial or ethnic origin, religious conviction, political opinion, membership of a trade union or organization of a religious, philosophical or political nature, data relating to health or sexual life, genetic or biometric data, when linked to a natural person.
DATA PROCESSING Any and all operations carried out with Personal Data, from its collection to its elimination, such as those relating to collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storage, elimination, evaluation or information control, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction.
HOLDERNatural person to whom the personal data refer. 
CONTROLLERNatural or legal person responsible for decisions regarding the Processing of Personal Data. 
OPERATORNatural or legal person who will carry out the processing on behalf of the Controller. 
LGPD or GENERAL PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION LAWBrazilian legislation (Law No. 13,709/2018) which provides for the processing of personal data, including by digital means, by natural persons or legal entities, with the aim of protecting fundamental rights to freedom and privacy.
PLATFORMTool where information products No Code Startup are commercialized.
CONTRACTORThis is a natural or legal person, who will act as Contractor of the No Code Startup, using the platform for training, through the product of No Code Startup.
USERSThese are all natural persons who use the product offered by No Code Startup
LEGAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE COMPANYOr just “Representative(s) of the company”, are the individuals appointed by the company, to make contacts, receive relevant notifications of use, negotiate new conditions, manage the users made available, among other activities related to the company’s service. No Code Startup.
LEGAL BASISFor the processing of personal data to comply with the LGPD, it is necessary to respect at least one of the ten legal bases (hypotheses) brought by the law, of which we highlight the main ones in our relationships below: 
CONSENTIt is the most common legal basis, when the holder makes their data available for processing through their consent, which must be collected in a free, informed and unambiguous manner. 
EXECUTION OF CONTRACTS OR PRECONTRACT PROCESSESWhen data processing involves the formalization, or pre-formalization, of the contractual relationship between the parties. 
LEGITIMATE INTERESTFor treatments aimed at supporting and promoting the controller’s activities. 

All information mentioned will be collected, processed, stored, treated and will be available for consultation by the No Code Startup, whenever relevant, or made possible by a permitted and necessary use, or upon request by the holder of personal data to comply with duties arising from legislation.

USERName/Corporate Name, Email, Telephone, CPF, emails exchanged with No Code Startup  access to conversations held with employees or collaborators of the No Code Startup, through any means of communication or application, log records in the application, recording of training carried out.
COLLABORATORName/Corporate Name, Email, Telephone, CPF, Address, Financial Data, CNPJ, member details and email address, emails exchanged with No Code Startup access to conversations held with employees or collaborators of the No Code Startup, through any means of communication or application, geolocation records and application log, record of training carried out.

We need personal data so that we can provide the best service and the most appropriate support for our interested parties, ensuring security and transparency with full respect for the precepts brought by the General Personal Data Protection Law (LGPD) and other legal provisions.

Therefore, we present below the method of collecting data relating to each of the data subjects with whom we interact:

USERFilling out forms and registrations.
COLLABORATORInformation contained in contracts, CVs, filling out forms.

In existing relationships, the  No Code Startup acts predominantly as a personal data operator. This means that we process personal data on behalf of our customers and contractors (controllers), strictly following their instructions.

The User acknowledges that following the concepts of the LGPD, he will act as controller in relation to personal data transmitted to No Code Startup and processed by it through the Platform.


The personal data collected will only be processed for as long as there is a purpose that justifies this processing, so that, to use it for any other activities not mentioned in this Notice, we will always request your consent, as long as there is no other legal basis that justifies it.

To offer our services, we use consent, contractual relationships with customers and legitimate interest as legal bases. However, we always respect the rights of holders and will maintain full transparency of our operations.

You already know that we use personal data to provide our best services, but we also use data to communicate with you, personalize your experience, comply with our legal obligations and ensure your security.

See below the main treatments carried out, with the appropriate purposes and legal bases that justify them:


External communicationTo carry out our services, communication will be necessary, through announcements and information with our customers. Contractual relationship and/or legitimate interest
Formalization of contracts and terms For greater security for everyone, we use personal data to formalize contracts between the parties, in addition to other terms necessary to provide the service, such as terms of use and licensing agreements.Contractual relationship, legal or regulatory obligation 
Financial transactionsPersonal data is used to make the payment.Credit protection, Legitimate interest and Contractual execution

Personal data that the User, as controller, respecting the LGPD and provided with a legal basis, sends and receives from the Platform, as well as personal data made available for access on third-party websites that publicly convey data

accessible on the internet, including login/email, password and User token.

Legal basis and justification are defined by the User (controller), under the responsibility of the Contracting Client
ReportsWe prepare and/or provide representatives with relevant statistical information about customers through reports and metrics.Contractual execution and legitimate interest



We emphasize that we work with the best partners and representatives in the market, while we share, with due respect for the need and purpose, personal data with them, as reasonably necessary according to the objectives of this policy or in compliance with legal/contractual obligations, highlighting the cases in:

UsersIn cases where users are linked to the same client company, personal data, diligence and other personal records may be shared, respecting the need, purpose and hierarchy of credentials. 
PartnersWe share personal data to send communications, offers and promotions from partners related to the platform.
Judicial and/or regulatory bodiesIn cases of legal proceedings, to exercise, defend or establish our rights or those of third parties, or in case of compliance with an order issued by a competent authority.
Service providersWe use third-party services and tools to carry out our operations. In this way, personal data may be shared and processed outside Brazil, especially in cases of cloud storage systems.

THE No Code Startup clarifies that you can send or process any information outside the national territory.

In cases of sending or processing information outside the national territory, the No Code Startup guarantees that such countries have and comply with data protection measures, at least at the same level as the country of origin.


As an operator, we store personal data only for the period strictly necessary to fulfill the services provided to controllers, to comply with law or regulation, to comply with a court order or request from a competent authority. 

Personal data and other information processed for any of the purposes mentioned in this Notice will not be kept for longer than is strictly necessary to complete the purposes for which they are intended, except when supported by Articles 12 and 16 of the LGPD.

Electronic data and documents containing personal data may remain retained for longer than necessary for their purposes in cases of: legal obligation, reduction of the risk of fraud, full exercise of the right to defense.


THE No Code Startup will use its best efforts to respect and protect data and personal information against loss, theft or any type of misuse, as well as against unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration and destruction.

It is prohibited for employees of the No Code Startup, reproduce or share without authorization from No Code Startup, any content held by No Code Startup, by any means of communication and/or reproduction;

Furthermore, we have contractual stipulations and require our partners to adopt security, technical and administrative measures capable of protecting personal data from unauthorized access and accidental or illicit situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or any form of processing. inappropriate or illicit.

All information or personal data entered into the digital environment or converted from the physical to the virtual environment will, when necessary, be encrypted by the No Code Startup. 

THE No Code Startup guarantees that only employees or partners necessary to process certain data and/or information have received credentials for such functions.

Anyone who has an access credential for the personal data and information that this policy deals with and/or is treated as confidential will be responsible for the care and correct use of their access credentials, and may be held personally responsible for the misuse of their credentials.


Users and representatives are committed to the veracity of the information provided, being responsible in the event of illegality committed by providing false and/or unauthorized information.

It will be up to the user, holding the position of controller, to make all decisions regarding personal data and transmit instructions relevant to their processing.

Just like the No Code Startup, the User ofclear that it complies with all Brazilian legislation on privacy, including the Federal Constitution, the Consumer Protection Code, the Civil Code, the Marco Civil da Internet (Federal Law no. 12,965/2014), as well as the LGPD, expressing its commitment to treat personal data related to the provision of Services with special attention to the principles of purpose, good faith and public interest that justify the availability of the information collected.

THE No Code Startup is not responsible for any leakage, disclosure or poor processing of data that was not due to its responsibility, direct or indirect.


In compliance with the LGPD, you, as a Data Holder, may exercise the following rights: 

Treatment ConfirmationYou can confirm whether we process your personal data and, if this occurs, request access to the data we have about you.
Update and CorrectionYou have the right to update and correct your incomplete, inaccurate or outdated personal data that we hold.
Deletion and BlockingYou can request anonymization, blocking and deletion of unnecessary data or data processed in non-compliance with the provisions of the LGPD.
PortabilityYou have the right to transfer your personal data, subject to applicable regulations and commercial and industrial secrets.
InformationYou can request information about the Controller's sharing of personal data with public and private entities.
Consent/RevocationYou have the right to question the provision of consent when requested, as well as the consequences of not providing it. Furthermore, you can revoke the consent given at any time, expressly and free of charge.
Data DeletionYou can request the deletion of personal data processed exclusively with your consent, except when maintaining the data is necessary or permitted by law.
Opposition to TreatmentYou have the right to object to Processing carried out based on other legal bases, in case of non-compliance with the LGPD.
Decision ReviewYou can request a review of decisions made based on automated Processing of Personal Data that affect you, such as credit decisions.
Canceling the Sending of OffersYou have the right to request that we stop sending you targeted offers for products and services from No Code Startup, through our service channels or through opt-outs available in our emails and other forms of communication.
10. TERM 

THE No Code Startup always seeks to improve its operation to guarantee quality services and protections, while, from time to time, this Privacy Notice may be updated or changed unilaterally by No Code Startup

We are always improving our Privacy Notice and changes will be reflected on this page. So, before using one of our Services, take a look here. 

When we post changes to the Notice, we will update the date the last change was posted. 

Remember: By continuing to access the Services after such changes become effective, you are agreeing to be bound by the new version of the Notice.

Any changes to this Notice will come into effect one (1) day after publication on the official website.


Data holders may exercise, upon request or direct access, always accompanied by proof of identity, all those rights provided for in article 18 of law no. 13,709 of 2018, simply by contacting the email provided below. some additional information for the purpose of proving your identity, seeking to prevent fraud.

If you need any support or have any questions, requests or suggestions regarding this Notice or other privacy issues, we will always be at your disposal. Just contact our call center or speak directly with our privacy officer (data officer) by email:

Cookies Policy

We, from No Code Startup (“We”), are committed to protecting your privacy and security when purchasing our products. Our objective is to ensure, in the best possible way, the protection of your personal data. 

To make this happen in a simple and objective way, we have prepared this document to clarify what Cookies information we collect and the purposes of this collection.

We remind you that:

THE No Code Startup is a platform for selling infoproducts and online No Code courses, which aims to provide training in the creation of applications, websites and automations without the need for programming.

We are the gateway to the future of digital entrepreneurship, empowering individuals and businesses to create, innovate and thrive without the need for programming skills.


This policy describes how We use some cookies to improve the experience of our users and visitors within our Platform, as we will explain below:

What are Cookies?

  • A cookie is navigation data. That is, it is data that the platform asks your browser to store on your computer or mobile device. The cookie allows the website to “remember” your actions or preferences over time.
  • Most Internet browsers accept cookies; however, Users can configure their browsers to refuse certain types of cookies or specific cookies. Furthermore, Users can delete cookies at any time.
  • We at No Code Startup We use cookies to provide our Users with a better browsing experience.


Why do we use cookies?

  • We use cookies to enhance our Users' experience on our website, making it more pleasant. This way, we learn how you interact with our content and we seek to make it more useful with each visit. 
  • For example, some cookies remember your language or visual preferences so that you do not have to make these choices repeatedly each time you visit one of our websites. 
  • Additionally, cookies allow us to serve specific and targeted content, such as videos on our website, advertisements, and interest targeting. 
  • We may still use cookies to adapt the content and platform according to the device and connection settings, activate features such as software antivirus and remember access credentials


What types of Cookies are there?

  • First-Party Cookies and Third-Party Cookies
    • First-party cookies are cookies issued by the website domain, and are generally used to identify language and location preferences or facilitate basic website functionality.
    • Third-party cookies are owned and administered by other companies, such as No Code Startup's business partners or service providers. Third-party cookies are used for performance analysis, advertising and other purposes. These third parties have their own privacy and cookie policies, and we encourage you to review them.
  • Essential Cookies
    • These cookies are necessary for you to browse our website and use its features. Without these cookies, services you have requested, such as adding items to your shopping cart or accessing secure areas of the website, cannot be provided.
  • Performance Cookies
    • These cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, for example which pages users visit most often and whether they receive error messages. These cookies are used to improve the way our website works and to better understand our users' interests.


  • Functionality Cookies
    • These cookies allow our website to remember your choices (such as your user name, language or region) and provide enhanced, personalized features. They may also be used to provide services you have requested, such as live chat or video playback.
  • Session Cookies
    • These are temporary cookies that are used to remember You during the course of your visit to the website, and they lose their validity when you close your browser.


  • Persistent Cookies
    • They are used to remember your preferences within the platform. These cookies remain on your desktop or mobile device even after you close your browser or perform a reset. We may use these cookies to analyze User behavior and establish patterns so that we can improve the functionality of our website for You and other visitors to our website. These cookies also allow us to serve targeted advertisements and measure the effectiveness of our platform, as well as the functionality of such advertisements.


  • How are Cookies used for advertising?
    • Cookies and advertising technologies such as web beacons, pixels and ad network tags help us deliver relevant advertisements more effectively. They also help us collect consolidated data for audits, research and performance reporting for advertisers. Pixels allow us to understand and improve the delivery of advertisements to You, as well as allowing us to know when certain advertisements have already been presented to You. Because your browser can request advertisements and 'web beacons' directly from ad network servers, these networks can view, edit or set their own cookies, as if you had visited a web page on their website.


  • How are third-party Cookies used?
    • For some of the functions within our platforms we may use third-party providers, for example, when You visit a page with a video embedded in or from YouTube. These videos or links (and any other content from third-party providers) may contain third-party cookies. Because of this, We recommend that our Users consult the Privacy Policies of these third parties on their websites.


  • How to reject or delete Cookies?
    • You can choose to Accept, Configure or reject/block all or specific types of cookies set during your visit to the website. No Code Startup, just click on cookie preferences on our website. You can change your preferences for the website of No Code Startup and/or third party websites by changing your browser settings.
    • Please remember that most browsers automatically accept cookies. Therefore, if you do not want cookies to be used, you may have to actively delete or block cookies. If you reject the use of cookies, you can still visit our website, but some of the functions may not work correctly. 
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